Eclipse. Twilight Saga 3 – Stephenie Meyer
9.50 €
The third book in the New York Times bestselling vampire romance series that has developed a cult following among teens
Bella?’ Edward’s soft voice came from behind me. I turned to see him spring lightly up the porch steps, his hair windblown from running. He pulled me into his arms at once, and kissed me again. His kiss frightened me. There was too much tension, too strong an edge to the way his lips crushed mine – like he was afraid we had only so much time left to us. As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob – knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which? Following the international bestsellers Twilight and New Moon, Eclipse is the much-anticipated third book in Stephenie Meyer’s captivating saga of vampire romance.
Edwardi vaikne hääl kostis mu selja tagant. Ma pöördusin ringi ja nägin teda kergel sammul verandatrepist üles hüppamas, juuksed jooksmisest tuulesasitud. Ta haaras mu oma embusse ja suudles mind jälle. See suudlus kohutas mind. Viisis, kuidas tema huuled minu omi riivasid, oli liiga palju pinget, liiga tugevaid tundmusi – just nagu kardaks ta, et meile olid jäänud veel vaid loetud hetked.
Kui Seattle’it raputab rida salapäraseid tapmisi ja verejanuline vampiir otsib endiselt võimalusi kättemaksuks, leiab Bella end taas ohtudega silmitsi. Kõigi ohtude kõrval seisab ka raske valik – ta on sunnitud valima armastuse vahel, mida ta tunneb Edwardi vastu, ja sõpruse vahel, mis seob teda Jacobiga – teades, et see otsus või vallandada vampiiri ja libahundi igikestva võitluse. Koolilõpetamise lähenedes peab Bella langetama veel ühe otsuse: kas elu või surm. Aga kumb on kumb?
Rahvusvaheliste menukite „Videviku“ ja „Noorkuu“ järg „Päikesevarjutus“ on Stephenie Meyeri kaasakiskuva vampiirisaaga kauaoodatud kolmas raamat.
Raamat kuulub sarja: Twilight Saga, 3.
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